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A Poem

Author: Cecilie Vale

Original post:

Author’s Note: A poem, reflecting how emotions must be held in check, and how difficult it can be to conform to a cultural standard thrust upon you. Of comrades lost in battles. Of unrequited love. A glimpse into the difficulty of Caldari life.

Entry for the YC123 Union Day Celebrations - Short Written Works contest.

Alone with my thoughts
Pondering our goodbye.
Few words in hushed tones.
Do not cry, you tell yourself.

Walk away.
Look back once more,
But you’re gone.

Soundless tears flow freely
Mingling with the soft rain.
How fitting.
The heavens are crying with you.
Emulating your pain.

This is not farewell.
We will meet again
Even if it feels like forever.

Until then, I’ll hold it all in
And cry when I’m again
Alone with my thoughts.