Olives the green oil from Intaki
Author: Jorianna Gallaire
Original post: https://forums.eveonline.com/t/rumors-gossip-tabloids/130182/628
Entry for YC124 New Eden Capsuleer’s Writing Contest in the Gossip/News/Opinion category.
See & Hear, Intaki, 13/11/YC122
It has been some time now since we visited the famous James Syagrius, and as stated in previous article about this worldly man we wondered what he was going to do now after he has retired. So here is a little update.
Over the past two years, James has razed the centuries-old Bravaati family villa, much to the consternation of the local inhabitants. It has been replaced with a state-of-the-art complex in the neo-classical Garounian architectural style.
In addition, he is using advanced drone technology to perform tasks previously occupied by the local population, including agricultural work.
The new Villa has many colonnades and blends contemporary with traditional details. It lies in an ancient olive orchard on a peninsula extending into Lake Crucis in Intaki V’s northern hemisphere. In the mornings, the sun breaks pink over the visible mountains, and if observant, one can see the silhouettes of the fishermen pulling in their nets from the glittering waters.
James has expanded his holdings to encompass nearly the entire peninsula, including the northern coastline of the lake.
Without specifics using past information to guide your imagination, you may assume he has used various means to accomplish this acquisition. Making a few isolated villages anxious as they consider his future intentions.
He has also managed to gain permission to import a Ni Kunni variety of olive trees, an unusual concession from provincial officials considering Intakis strict environmental standards regarding non-native plants and animals. He regularly entertains willing officials, both local and planetary, using various methods to obtain their favour.
He has recently, through his legal representatives, applied for Intaki citizenship.
So, concluding, things are going well for the good man and we will keep you updated on things that might come about this magnificent and great business man.
Jorianna Gallaire Director See and Hear, Capsuleer Affairs Correspondent