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Strike Commander Caught In Love (with a) Triangle?

Author: Jorianna Gallaire

Original post:

Entry for YC124 New Eden Capsuleer’s Writing Contest in the Gossip/News/Opinion category.

See & Hear, Caille, Gallente Prime, 09/11/YC122

Following the allegations and accusations addressed at John Revenant’s I-RED and their EDENCOM allies, some of which went un-named other than being called out as Terrorists and Pirates, 8th of November. ( More found Here ) Rumours are starting to circulate regarding the otherwise unblemished Strike Commander Kim, who jumped to the aid and defense of known Triglavian compatriots and -associates.

Why would the Strike Commander hold her hand over the heads of those who sought to destroy Star Systems that belonged to the Four Empires. What would compel someone of such strong moral fibers to side not with the ones who tried to save as much of the space and inhabitants of the Four Empires, but with the enemies of the State?

The answer may be found when we take a closer look at who the Strike Commander associates with. As many Summit Regulars may attest, there seems to be a very friendly air between the Strike Commander and a pro-Triglavian capsuleer going by the Concord ticker of Remilia Malitia. Who not only greet each other politely on public fluid routers, but often can be seen in engaging friendly chitchat, sharing what each is up to. Going so far as to clearly make plans to meet up in certain solar systems.

While See and Hear has many eyes and ears around the Cluster, even S&H doesn’t have eyes in every Local Fluid Router, so what goes on at these little trips between the Commander and her Pro-Trig Lady Friend, is anyone’s guess.

Asking around any of the Strike Commander’s regular stations, Caldari State stationside personnel says they are too intimidated by the Commander’s ruthless demeanor to comment under their own names. Anonymously they will go on record as thinking that the Strike Commander keeps Miss Malitia close by as a friend.

Some even go so far as saying that they have seen the pair stroll through the station’s Greenhouses and Gardens, as if on a romantic walk. ‘’They even held hands! That’s something for Federation Commanders! And with a woman?’’

The outrage can be heard in the Docker’s voice though they come around not long after: ‘’They only need DNA of two persons to grow tube children I guess, shouldn’t matter if it’s a pair of ladies.’’

‘’Whatever happens, I am sure the Strike Commander only wants to make the State great again. If she finds a strong capsuleer to share her genes with, we all benefit.’’

Another, Scotty (names fictitious, real names known by the redaction) says he never imagined the Strike Commander to have found someone to take her on picnics and long walks by the beach Bulkheads. ‘’But if she is happy now, I’m happy for my Commander.’’ Scotty is quick to add

The implications are of course many, what if the foremost capsuleer face of the Caldari Militia forces has a relationship with a poster-girl for the Pro-Trigs?

And one can only imagine the steamy bedroom romance that goes on behind the closed doors of the Strike Commander’s Quarters.

Jorianna Gallaire Director See and Hear, Capsuleer Affairs Correspondent