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Summit Gets 'White Hot'

Author: Jorianna Gallaire

Original post:

Entry for YC122 New Eden Capsuleer’s Writing Contest in the Academic/News category.

See & Hear, Caille, Gallente Prime, 08/05/YC122

When talking about sex, it’s hard to say how true stereotypes of Gallente and Amarrian attitudes are but a new study confirms that those awkward conversations aren’t happening often enough in Imperial society. According to a recent survey by Hedion University, the results of which were published this week, most Imperial subjects wish they had more information before their first sexual experience.

Researchers from the University surveyed almost 4,000 young Amarrian people between the ages of 16 and 24. They asked participants about their sexual experiences and education. Nearly 85 percent of those surveyed say they wish they had known more before their first sexual experiences, especially about relationships and the emotional side of sex.

Now, how does this apply to capsuleers?? Well, according to leaked logs of the Summit fluid router channel, Amarrians and one in particular, Amadin Wa-Sethna, say they have “white-hot sexual congress” more often then the rest of New Eden.

That comment has started a debate among Summit subscribers (and their adoring followers). Even the infamous Nauplius admitted that “white hot sexual congress” was a good phrase. He stated “I think I like the phrase. I will continue using it in the future”. We at See & Hear agree and are dying to know how much hot sexual congresses Mr Naupilus is having in his remote part of the cluster. One can only imagine the hareem he keeps and what happens in there when he overindulges in the whiskey he admits to being so fond of.

It all started when Mr Wa-Sethna was asked about his former partner Lunarisse Daphiti, who we all know ditched him after a concert a while back. Do we suspect jealousy about her new suitor Franco Phonaga? About as much as Shaileen Ramnev makes Mentas Blaque froth at the mouth lately…

What surprises us most from the logs is that the individuals who found this “white-hot sexual congress” among Amarrians most iniquitous were largely Gallentean. So, perhaps those stereotypes need closer investigation after all. University of Caille we need to know, for science!