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Crack of the Whip

Author: Literia

Original post:

Author's note: sensitive themes ahead

Entry for the YC116 Pod and Planet Fiction Contest in the A Day in the Life category.

I was tied between two trees out back of my holders home, she had torn off my shirt. She walked up behind me and smelled my hair "Mhmm, too good for a piece of shit to smell like this, I would almost say it smelled like wild berries." I was seven years old at the time, I had gone and found some, made them into a wash. I didn't want to smell like soot, ash and the Amarrian she had me sleep beside the night before. She rubbed the hilt of her whip against my back, I cringed at what was to come.

"You were supposed to do whatever he wanted, you faulty piece of shit. Not say no to my honored guest." She yelled at me, "YOU do not have a say, you do as you are are nothing, a slave...a brute whose spirit is too strong." She rubbed the hilt of the whip against the small of my neck as she stepped back and all I heard was a loud crack, then searing pain. I bit my lip so hard that it was bleeding cause I didn't want to cry out.

My parents were being restrained in the house, my dad tried bursting out but was put down by the guards quickly. "YOU do not have a say, you dishonor me after all I have done for you." She paced back and forth infuriated, then another crack of the whip, it almost sounded like lightening "NO, is not a part of your vocabulary. I don't care if you have your virtue....YOU SHOULDN'T after last night." Another blinding pain as the whip tore through my skin, ripping off the layers of skin on my back.

She was really mad, never seen her this mad before, normally she would take one or two hits with whip and then stop, but I could feel it tearing through my muscles. Blood was pouring out of my back and where I kept biting my lip. She continued to pace, grabbing her head, shaking it. "What in gods name have I done to deserve this, I allowed you to live at birth, you good for nothing trash. Now, I will be your death." I actually whimpered that time, as the whip went down my back on my right hand side.

I was starting to tremble from shock and blood loss. "BEG for your life little filth....beg me forgiveness, and maybe God will grant me the wisdom to stay my hand." I passed out from the pain for a few moments, I could hear my mom screaming and begging for Matron to stop. I remember being splashed on the face with water from her brother as he watched on. The look in his eye was perverse and deranged. As he splashed the water on my face to wake me, he licked me "Mmmhmm, so succulent, so sweet...spirited too...Sister, allow me to break her stubborn Brutor will, I have an idea." My father screamed because he knew that the Matron's brother had a thing for me, he was about 16. He wanted to violate me, take away my spirit.

Matron paced back and forth still fuming "NO, I want to hear her scream first, then she will be in your room for the night." I don't know what broke me that time, perhaps it was the pain or how the whip went right down my spine, but I howled in pain. The look of sheer satisfaction on Matron's face was something that is burnt into my mind. I was cut down, rope still around my wrists. I hit the ground with a thud, on my knees "Please Matron forgive me, I know not what I done, it wont happen again." I said compliantly.

She sneered, looking down at me, she spit on me "Filthy little Brute, tend to my brother's needs tonight and we will see." My head hanged, on my knees bowing before her "Yes Matron, your will shall be done." I said weakly, as the blood still was flowing from my back. Her brother walked up behind me and grabbed me by my hair and took me up to his room.

He allowed my wounds to be tended to otherwise I would have died right there.
My father cleaned and dressed my wounds, the rage that filled his eyes was something I couldn't explain. An audible gulp came out of his mouth as the door to the room opened and then closed, there he stood, the Matron's brother "Get out slave!" He looked at me with rage and sadness in his eyes, and then walked out of the room, the door closed and it was locked from the inside.

I don't remember after that point really, I blacked out and still to this day cant remember. But that was the first time of many I was whipped by Matron. I almost wish she had killed me that day, but then again I wouldn't be here to tell you the story if that happened.