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Goodbye my Oldest Friend

Author: Literia

Original post:

Author’s Note: A little backstory as to the depth and torment that she goes through right now. Joshua is/was the Republic Security officer that found Literia Khammael on the transport vessel almost 9 years ago. He extended his massive hand to her and brought back to the Republic. He has been through her success, her torments, her losses. When no one else was there he was there, he held her hand when she lost the baby, he helped her find her mother and sister in Stain. He was the kids security officer, and nanny in some senses. He was like a Father to Lit he seen her through the good, bad and the ugly.

Entry for the YC117 Pod and Planet Fiction Contest in the A Day in the Life category.

"Joshua engage the directional scanner" A womans voice called out over the ships communications.

"Yes Captian, 2 seconds until scan complete. " Joshua the over six and a half foot Brutor, very dark skinned entering his early fourties. "Directional scan to the Dominations station is clear Captian Khammael."

"Very well, engaging warp engines, keep that scan running Joshua." Lit spoke back from her capsule as the man just did what she asked.

They were aboard a Drake, battlecruiser class vessel named Devil's Panties. They entered the warp tunnel and for some reason landed about seventy-five kilometers out from the Domination's station.

"Fuck mobile warp bubble, BATTLE STATIONS!" She triggered the alarm so that she could notify her crew that they are in a battle situation.

"Henry target that Arazu" She called out "We cant Captain, we cant lock it we are being dampened." The ships systems notified her of being warp scrambled. "Fuck, then find get me a lock on the bubble itself, Navigation align to ZZ burn out of the bubble. Joshua go telp Henry we can use your experience here." In a unison sound "Yes Captian" They all went about and carried out their orders.

Joshua called out as the shield alarms are going off "Captian we have a Purifier engaging."
She shook her head in her pod as the last bit of shields went quickly and already in to deep armor as the alarm bells are going off "Are we clear of the bubble?"

"We are just about clear Captian." Joshua said, as the alarm bells go off for hitting structure.
She sighs and hit the alarm bell for abandon ship, just then a huge volley hits the ship disabling communications between her and the crew. She screams in her pod telling them to get off the ship, but they don't hear her.

A bright flash of light around her as she is warping away in her pod as she looks back they are all gone. He is gone.

She takes her pod finally to the Domination's Station, reports into the Dominations' contact telling them the job is done. She then turns around and walks back to her hanger as she drops to her knees on her hanger cold floor. Her dreads falling over her as tears flow down her cheeks as she beats her hands against the floor until they are bloody, crying out.

She just lost the man who has saved her life, the man who has been there since her journey as not being a slave has started. He was through it all with her, when she was a scared young capsuleer waking up from being podded the first time. When she came back from visiting her first pirate bar. He took care of Ami and Duncan.

The first time she set foot on Matar, in the mountains there was a light snow fall. Joshua stepped off the transport ship and smiled friendly to a 16 year old Literia in rags, just given boots as he smiled warmly "Don't worry little one, you are safe now. Welcome to Matar, I will keep you safe." He extended his large hand to her as she places her shaky hand into his and set foot for the first time in the Republic.

She stands up slowly and walks over to get into her capsule as tears run down her face. She buries her face into her hands and whispers "Good Bye Joshua, I love you."