A New Decade: A Security Assessment of New Eden YC120
Author: Mantelglobalindustries
Original post: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i2gbLMhjv0bE-rd2vL3YO6b7G_ciwSCOWpITFgMMj7c/edit
Entry for YC120 New Eden Capsuleer’s Writing Contest in the Academic/News category.
A New Decade: A Security Assessment of New Eden YC120 Edward Adams Commander Heiian Conglomerate
About the Author - Edward Adams joined the State Protectorate in late YC116 upon receiving a commission within the Revenent Defence Corperation of the Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive alliance. After serving with distinction over a period of a year, achieving the rank of Commander, he resigned his commission within I-RED after they withdrew from the State Protectorate and transferred to the Crimson Serpent Syndicate Corporation within Heiian Conglomerate. There, he was permitted to retain his rank of Commander and presently serves on the board of directors as one of the main leaders of the Conglomerate. Executive Summary – This publication, A New Decade: A Security Assessment of New Eden YC120, is intended to provide the reader with a basic introduction to contemporary cluster affairs concerning the empires of New Eden and the security implications resulting from past and present developments for the next decade. The cluster as a whole has experienced a significant and tumultuous level of change and events within the political arena in the past fifteen years since the death of Heideran VII and the beginning of the Empyrean Age in YC105 such as the One-Day War in YC110 that subsequently led to the adoption of the CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act, a massive upheaval in internal politics in all four empires and the ongoing Drifter Crisis that saw the assassination of Jamyl I in YC117. Thus, it can be said that the security climate in all four empires has considerably deteriorated since YC105, but in some respects it has been strengthened through the formulation and modification of national and corporate policy to better suit the ever-changing environment that the empires currently reside in. The last ten years has seen the empires place greater emphasis on the use of hard power to bolster the integrity of the nation-state, such as the renaissance of the Federal Armed Forces in the aftermath of the Caldari State’s invasion of Luminaire and the ongoing modernisation programmes for the Imperial Navy. Economically, each empire is flourishing in terms of gross domestic product and industrial output, especially in light of the recent political upheavals that some have experienced, such as the deposition of Prime Minister Midular and the replacement of the democratic experiment with a tribal republic. Security in relation to the four empires is not simply limited to the use of hard power that of economic strength and military might. Soft power is also quite relevant to the current political arena and the actors on the interstellar stage, such as the Federation’s mastery of the entertainment sector which acts as a vehicle for Federal values and presents an ideal version of what it means to work and live in the Federation. Even such empires with a notorious reputation for utilising overwhelming force to achieve their goals, such as the Amarr Empire, have recognised the importance of soft power in their designs through their missionary programmes to proselytise the faith in those entities which are not part of the faith. Indeed, one can find Amarr missions within Federal member states with ease, and even in the Republic as those freed by Jamyl I’s proclamation spread the faith with them into their ancestral homelands. It would be folly to discuss the concept of security and its applications without referring to the various pirate factions that are present in New Eden, as most are engaged in schemes to maintain the balance of power in the current arms race that has seen the development and deployment of new classes of starship and even bolder forays into empire space on a far more frequent basis than a decade before. And of course, the wild card brought on by the dawn of the Empyrean Age: the Capsuleer. These entities possess an amount of sovereignty and power that is comparable to that bestowed upon nation-state in regards to their actions and allegiances, and must be taken into consideration when conducting research on security.
Introduction – Security as a concept has been interpreted numerous times from across New Eden as the four main nation-states consistently re-evaluate and re-define the meaning of what security is to their interests and how it is applicable to their strategic planning and outlook for foreign and domestic policy. Each one is applicable in some manner to each nation-state, as it is quite difficult to separate one area of security policy to another entirely, as they inherently complement and intertwine each other. For example, the concept of ‘hard power’ is the ability for a nation-state to exert considerable influence using their armed forces or utilising the strength of their economic structure to influence or coerce a foreign entity into complying with their will. Thus, the economic and military security of a nation-state can be seen to be of paramount importance for them to acquire and maintain to prevent their opponents from possessing an advantage in these areas to dictate terms on an unequal basis. However, other factors at play can influence the strength of the economy or the capabilities of the armed forces employed by a state actor, such as the security of the population in their daily lives as well as the strength of the system that protects them. If say, a population of a city were subject to endemic criminality that hindered their productivity and imperilled their safety, or if their living conditions were altered to a state that could be considered unfit for human habitation, then it could be determined that the city is therefore insecure not only for the state it is part of but also for the citizenry. Therefore, this assessment will attempt to examine the various factors affecting security within the four major empires of New Eden: The Amarr Empire, the Caldari State, the Gallente Federation and the Minmatar Republic. It will also take into consideration the criminal factions in New Eden, as they invariably influence the security of the empires in one way or the other. And finally, the impact that the independent capsuleers of the Empyrean Age has had since the dawn of the Empyrean Age fifteen years ago.
The Amarr Empire Overview - The Amarr Empire is one of the oldest established political entities in New Eden having unified their ancestral home planet Athra, better known today as Amarr Prime, under a single polity thousands of years ago and subsequently in their space age embarking on a crusade of conquest and assimilation across the stars with the mandate of the Reclaiming. It is strongly characterised by its state religion the Imperial Rite, their practicing of the system of slavery as well as a feudal system of governance of which the Amarr Emperor and the Privy Council hold primacy, with the Emperor’s word being interpreted as the word of God. Spanning forty percent of known space, the Empire directly administers seven regional districts and over ninety percent of the Genesis region, encompassing seven hundred and three star systems in total. The Khanid region is administered by its close ally the Khanid Kingdom, of which House Khanid recently regained its status as one of the Amarr Royal Heirs to the Imperial Throne. Additionally the Empire also influences the Derelik region which is controlled by a client state in the form of the Ammatar Mandate, consisting of a mix of Nefantar and Amarr, through its regional governor which by historical precedent has been of True Amarr descent. It is estimated that over twenty-nine percent of the cluster’s free population reside within Imperial territory, with twenty-one point four trillion free citizens recorded in the YC114 Ministry of Internal Order Census, composed of a diverse mix of ethnicities. A further ten trillion individuals of Matari ethnicity are also recorded as enslaved in the same census. The Empire possesses an enormous military arm in the form of the Imperial Armed Forces and the various formations that the royal families command, in total outnumbering the next two largest empire navies combined by a factor of two. Evolving from purely a policing and logistical element hundreds of years ago to the vast, mighty juggernaut it is today, the Imperial Navy is renowned in Amarr society as a means for anyone to progress socially, regardless of initial standing. Whilst the Imperial Navy is the largest by far of any standing military force in New Eden in terms of numbers, a good proportion of the fleet is considered to be second or third-rate by several military analysts as many vessels are of dated design, outright obsolescent or haven’t undergone refit for decades. In contrast, the Imperial economy is generally ranked as the second or the third largest in the cluster, consistently trailing the Gallente Federation and occasionally depending on the statistics and measurement methods of the financial year, the Caldari State. Historically a closed economy, it is highly dependent on the primary sector, consisting of agriculture and resource extraction, with a fairly strong secondary industry catering mainly to the domestic market. This has led to a somewhat stagnant industrial practice in regards to competitiveness, as the Empire has little to no reason to import or rely on foreign goods when is national industries can fill the demand, despite external reviews being fairly critical and dismissive of certain Imperial products as of an inferior quality compared to their own standards. In contemporary history the Empire has forged economic ties with the rest of the cluster through various means, such as the Gallente-Amarr Free Trade Agreement that opened up Imperial borders for the first time in thousands of years to an external trading partner and the trading relationship that the Empire enjoys with the Caldari State, especially with the Lai Dai Megacorporation. Nevertheless this is still subject to stringent religious restrictions and Imperial authorities have severely regulated or outright prohibited certain commodities from entering Imperial borders, such as genetically modified foodstuffs and Egonics Inc. products for example.
Security and the Empire: Historical, Current and Future Challenges – The Empire has faced numerous trials and challenges throughout its long and storied history, both internally within its borders and externally with other civilisations, state actors and criminal entities. These issues range from the designs and intrigue of the various holders within the empire, to external actors seeking to spread chaos within Imperial territory for a variety of reasons, to the steps taken to preserve and uphold the Imperial Rite as the main unifying force within the Empire. Until the Empire made first contact with the Federation, it had no major competitors on the interstellar scene and held a free hand to conduct unilateral action in pursuit of its goal to reclaim the cluster as part of their religious mandate. Civilisations such as the Ealur, the Ni-Kunni and the Minmatar Empire were hopelessly outclassed militarily by the Imperial Armed Forces, being subjugated and enslaved quickly and decisively. The main threat to the integrity of the Empire then, and to an extent now, arose from seditious elements within their society threatening to overthrow the natural order of things, such as the suppression of Sani Sabik and other heretical organisations that went against the official interpretation of the Rite. These entities have been exterminated over the years whenever and wherever they have been discovered by Imperial internal security organisations such as the Inquisitorious and the Ministry of Internal Order, yet have managed to survive to the present day. The most notorious group of the Sani Sabik is without a doubt the Blood Raider Covenant, which has had a major influence on Imperial policy as well as a severe corrupting influence within the halls of Empire politics. There were also two major civil wars that were fought, one of them during the period of the Moral Reforms, an episode of Amarrian history which left the Empire devastated in terms of population, its economy and its infrastructure. Millions upon millions were killed in vicious and bitter fighting as the Emperor worked to exert his authority over the renegade Council of Apostles, with especially catastrophic losses amongst the military forces due to inflexible battle doctrines not permitting tactical or strategic withdrawals to ensure total victory or conversely, total defeat. Nonetheless, despite the preservation of this wasteful doctrine in Amarr strategic thought, this episode saw the Imperial Navy transformed from a policing and logistical branch to a fully-fledged force capable of conducting extended campaigns of starship combat and conventional warfare. The other was the Khanid Rebellion that saw the territory now known as the Khanid region secede from the Empire proper after King Khanid II refused to commit Shathol’Syn, or ‘suicide for the sake of stability’, with his fellow heirs upon his champions being defeated in ritual combat to select the next Emperor. Whilst not as crippling as the Moral Reforms, the secession cost a significant amount of territory and billions of Imperial citizens that followed Khanid II in his act of rebellion, not to mention a sizeable portion of the Imperial Armed Forces that defected out of personal loyalty to him. The Empire has endured and survived these incidents, but not without lessons learned and bearing the scars of conflict and war. This has ingrained into the mind of the ruling elite that the integrity of the Empire is of paramount importance, and that the status quo must be maintained to secure their own power as well. Indeed, one of the major issues the Empire faces in the present day and in the future regarding its overall security challenges is maintaining stability in the face of numerous elements that desire to destabilise Imperial territory, such as the Blood Raider Covenant and their infestation of the Bleak Lands region, or the presence of Minmatar combat groups that seek to undermine and hinder the ability of holders to administer their territories as well as liberate their enslaved brethren from their clutches. In more recent times, we have witnessed the outbreak of armed conflict in the One Day War of YC110, which saw the Ammatar Mandate disintegrate and Imperial territory invaded by the Elder Fleet, with significant casualties reported amongst both military and civilian personnel as they swept through the Empire unabated. In addition to this, the Vigilant Tyrannos has also made its presence known and has struck out at the Empire, assassinating Empress Jamyl I with one swift stroke in YC117. The Empire has historically responded to these groups by crushing or rendering impotent them by use of force, especially during the Unchallenged Era of Imperial history. It continues to do so in the present day and will likely remain a staple of Imperial domestic policy in the future. This is often attempted with any group or entity that represents a direct threat to the Imperial hierarchy and monopoly on power, those that can be dealt with in such a manner in any case. Groups such as the Blood Raiders and Angel Cartel which adhere to ideologies or corrupt institutional practices that runs contrary to the Imperial Rite are ruthlessly pursued as they are viewed as a threat to the established order. Slave insurrections and organisations that intend to aid them through violent action are quelled violently, as they threaten the power of the holders and the stability of the economy which is dependent on slave labour, with little automation or mechanisation to be found within Imperial borders in economic sectors such as agriculture or mining, regardless of efficiency. The most infamous example of the Empire’s retribution made manifest against a slave population is undoubtedly the suppression of the Starkmanir Uprising, in which a Royal Heir was killed and nearly the entirety of the Starkmanir were exterminated to set an example to any other seditious elements within the slave population. Even civilian and military officials which are highly competent at their stations in life can fall afoul of political intrigue or purges with the intention of consolidating power, such as the fall from grace of Admiral Saracen of the 7th Fleet, whom would have been considered a national hero by any standard due to his heroic deeds in securing the Bleak Lands region from a relentless onslaught of Blood Raiders and then the Defiants, a group of Minmatar insurgents led by the late Captain Muritor that wrought havoc over the region. Terrorism continues to be a major issue throughout the years, as groups such as the Bloody Hands of Matar commit targeted assassinations of officials and carrying out bombing attacks. This obsession with power and control can lead the Empire to commit great number of atrocities, such as the Starkmanir genocide or the enslavement of many civilisations that they encountered with the express intent of exploiting them for their economic benefit and seizure of additional territory in the name of the ruling sovereign. This has tainted their reputation and perception when dealing with the rest of the cluster, with the Gallente Federation and the Minmatar Republic banding together to act as a counterweight to the Empire’s aspirations. Even the Caldari State, nominally an ally to the Empire, is not ignored or exempt from the overall Reclaiming, something that should be of great concern to the entity renowned for the strong sense of independence from foreign influence or control. This affects the security of the Empire somewhat due to its effect on Imperial foreign relations and diplomatic efforts, as it is a constant reminder of a negative aspect of Imperial culture that the cluster must be reclaimed through force or through the expansion and adoption of the Imperial Rite by foreign populations. The Empire’s arrogance and hubris in their belief that they were invincible led them to invade the Jovian Directorate’s territory at Vak’Atioth, resulting in a crushing defeat for the Imperial Navy due to inflexible battle doctrine preventing shipmasters from taking the initiative or retreating from the field, as well as severely underestimating their opponents prowess technologically and tactically on the field of battle. This major defeat led to the Minmatar Rebellion, seeing the Empire’s borders contract and millions of Amarr die in the resulting chaos that was only stabilised with the creation of a strategic buffer zone in the form of the Mandate. This humbling has acted as a check on Imperial expansionism, acting as a major cultural shock to the entire Empire and leading to a re-evaluation of Imperial policy. Whilst this has not dissuaded foreign empires from their fear of an eventual clash with the Empire one day, it has permitted the Empire to flex their strong cultural muscles in the form of the peaceful expansion of the Imperial Rite within the Republic and the Federation via the usage of freed slaves and a legion of missionaries sent to spread the word of God. It could be interpreted that where the Empire cannot succeed militarily, or at least not without incurring significant potential losses to the Imperial Armed Forces and their territory, it is trying to achieve it peacefully implementing a soft power approach to achieve the same result. It could also be a realisation that the Imperial Navy is woefully outdated in terms of its ship inventory, with many requiring replacement and refitting, leaving it incapable of fighting a protracted conflict without a good majority of its Starfleet being inoperable or outclassed by its potential opponents. Thus, as a means of buying time for its Armed Forces to reequip itself with newer vessels and technology, this particular strategy for the moment appears to be working. Nevertheless, the Empire will inevitably have to decide whether or not to forgo Reclamation through force entirely, as it is unlikely that the soft power strategy will prevail over stronger cultural draws such as that from the Federation.
The Gallente Federation Overview - The Federated Union of Gallente Prime, better known in common parlance as the Gallente Federation or simply ‘The Federation’, is the only true democracy within New Eden having been founded over three centuries ago by the Ethnic Gallente, the Caldari, the Intaki and the Mannar as the initial main signatories to the Federal Charter. Defined by its democratic ideals and individualist culture, the Federation is seen by its supporters as stalwart defenders of the human spirit, freedom and the rights of all men and women, and by its detractors as meddlesome and culturally imperialist. Regardless of this, the Federation has proven to be highly influential within interstellar politics, with many politicians and the citizenry sharing a vested interest in promoting diplomacy, co-operation and peace as the order of the day for the safety and security of their populace. The Federation is the second-largest entity in the cluster territorially, administering six regions divided into three hundred and eighty eight star systems, or twenty percent of known space. The population of the Federation is estimated at twenty seven percent of the cluster’s total at close to twenty trillion inhabitants. The demographics of the Federation are incredibly diverse, with over a third of the population being of Minmatar descent alone. The Federation is organised into 62 districts, with each district containing several solar systems with its own regional parliament to oversee district affairs. Approximately 881 individuals are elected from these districts every five years to serve as Senators in the Federal Senate. The Federation was founded in 23121AD with the signing of the Federal Charter, a document which states the purpose of the Union as to promote free and fair trade between the member states, a commitment to peaceful expansion for its signatories as well as their adherence to democratic systems of governance. The Charter also acts as a safeguard of the rights of member states and as a means of promoting collective security and defence. Additionally, the Federal Constitution also binds the member states to respecting fundamental human rights outlined in that document. Aside from compliance with Federal legislation, the member states themselves have a considerable flexibility when it comes to their domestic affairs and even possess the power of ‘opt-out’ in regards to certain Federal legislation, most notably exercised by the Jin-Mei, Luminaire and Intaki member states. Today it exists in its sixth iteration in the current day since the initial foundation, a testament to the constant state of flux, self-scrutiny and change that the Federation and its populace find themselves in. Economically the Federation is the largest and most prosperous of the Big Four, being primarily consumer-led and capitalistic in nature with a strong, robust private sector providing the populace with every product or service that could be desired. Every sector of the economy can be found within the Federation, with heavily entrenched mining and manufacturing industries, a well-established financial sector as well as significant levels of research and development conducted by small firms through to megacorporations. Though not every Federal city or member state is of the same standard, being ranked from Alpha to Omega, the former being the model of a Federal city and the latter being officially unrecognised by the Federal government. In military terms, the Federation Armed Forces is the second-largest in the cluster. It is renowned for the high usage of automation in its starships, the courage of its servicemen and women as well as a strong reliance on drone technology and armaments within the fleet. Historically, the Federation Navy was seen as the premier organisation espousing the ideals of unity in diversity as recruits of all identities could be found within its ranks, as well as a unifying force for the populace as nearly every family had a member who served at one point. However, ever since the end of the First Caldari-Gallente War, the budget for the Navy had been severely slashed in favour of other domestic programmes and was struggling to meet recruitment figures. Nonetheless, the Federation Navy remains a force to be reckoned with by any power that seeks to challenge the security of the Union and its member states.
Security and the Federation: Historical, Current and Future Challenges – The Federated Union of Gallente Prime has existed for over three centuries, and has come up against significant security challenges that has threatened not only the physical security of Federal citizens, but also their way of life and core values that all Federal citizens cherish and hold close culturally. This chapter will attempt to recognise the historical and existing challenges that the Federation has and continues to weather, as well as identifying those that may arise in the future that it will have to confront and manage. The Federation pre-Caldari secession had few meaningful security challenges beyond the suppression of piracy and the maintenance of law and order amongst the economic and transportation routes that connected the member states with each other, with the development of the Federation Navy’s strategic doctrine as a peacekeeping and logistical force aimed at supporting the Federation Army as well as the member states upon request. Thus, little in the way of warfighting experience was learned as the Federation had not experienced any kind of major warfare up until the Caldari secession, leaving it woefully unprepared to manage the newly-formed Caldari State Armed Forces when warfare between the two broke out in 23155AD. The Federation Navy was not able to effectively counter the Caldari Navy’s doctrine and strategy of utilising small craft to outmanoeuvre their adversaries, hampered further by the purge of the few experienced military officers by the Duvailer administration. In the end, it was only through pure numbers and attrition that the Federation Navy was able to triumph in the Battle of Luminaire, but only after the Caldari had completed the evacuation of their home planet. Nonetheless, with the fall of the Ultranationalist regime and its replacement with more moderate leadership, the Federation Navy began to recover and begin the transformation from an anti-piracy and logistical role to a fully-fledged naval force with a professional leadership core and a steady stream of recruits, as well as marshalling the Federal economy to develop new weapons and construct new starships that were more fitting for the purpose of fighting a protracted interstellar campaign against a determined and competent adversary. Indeed, it could be said that the Caldari secession and the resultant modernisation and development of the Federation Navy’s capabilities and power projection was a major factor in the Amarr Empire’s decision in whether or not to invade and subjugate Federal territory upon first contact in 23180AD, a mere twenty-five years after the outbreak of the First Caldari-Gallente War. The Federation Navy today remains a bulwark against those that would threaten the lives and liberty of the inhabitants of the Union as well as those outside of it ever since the end of the First Caldari-Gallente War. Solitude experienced consistent levels of pirate raids until the Federation Navy intervened in YC13 to put an end to a Syndicate pirate lord’s reign of terror, a major catalyst for the region to eventually join the Federation. Organised crime entities such as the Serpentis Corporation and the Angel Cartel scourge Federal territory and the citizenry culminating in acts such as the theft of the FNS Molyenux, a Soltueur-class titan in YC107, a major embarrassment for the Navy and the government and to this day suppression of piracy remains a top priority for the security forces. In addition to this, the reliance on drone and automated technology such as the Tripwire border surveillance system, and the reduction in the Federal defence budget over the years, as well as the lack of recruits due to general disinterest in military service compared to other worldly pursuits led to the general deterioration of the capabilities of the Federation Armed Forces. Indeed, it struggled to maintain recruitment quotas even with the steady stream of Minmatar, Mannar and Jin-Mei recruits’ pre-YC110. A challenge which has proven to be a pervasive element is the reactionary stance of the administration and the Navy to responding to threats as they arise, instead of taking proactive action by producing contingency plans and developing the Federation Armed Forces to carry them out. It would appear that there is a severe lack of foresight that is only remedied when attacked, such as the development of the Federation Navy during the First Caldari-Gallente War or the vast effort at rebuilding the military that President Roden’s administration has undertaken as a response to the State’s invasion of Federal territory during the One Day War in YC110. This tendency to only respond to potential threats when they present an imminent danger has led to a sense of complacency within the Federal administration, which can be just as dangerous as incompetency or ill-preparedness. Indeed, the Federation has throughout its history played a perpetual game of catch-up in response to changing circumstances, which whilst it has succeeded in managing crisis as and when they appear, it is not something that should be relied upon. To tackle this, it would be advisable for the Federation not to repeat the mistakes of the past and ensure that the Federal Armed Forces are provided for in terms of funding, procurement and personnel to meet the security dilemmas that are apparent and those that are not so readily visible. The Federation currently at this historical juncture has enough willing recruits and above-adequate funding that it has successfully defeated subsequent attempts at foreign entities to violate Federal borders since the One Day War, such as Uriam Kador’s invasion of Solitude in November YC110 which was ruthlessly and efficiently crushed in the Battle of Ratillose, as well as the Battle of Colelie against a Republic Fleet dreadnought battlegroup in May YC115. It now must maintain constant vigilance into the future and never again let its defensive capabilities fall below the minimum of what is required to act as an effective deterrent. Another challenge that presents itself is that aside from the Minmatar Republic, of which diplomatic relations have become strained in recent years and remains in place only to retain the current balance of power in New Eden, the Federation has little in the way of independent allies outside of the Union. Whereas the Republic has the Thukker Tribe, the Empire has the Kingdom, and the State’s relationship with Mordu’s Legion, the Federation hasn’t any allies along these lines. This can be explained with the culture and positive benefits of the Federation acting as an incentive for an independent foreign party to accede to the Federal Charter and thus become part of the Union. A historical example of this would be the Solitude region, in which Gallente settlers expressed a strong sense of independence but retained fairly positive links with the Federation. This relationship would develop until the invasion of the region by a Syndicate warlord in YC13, which upon their defeat by a Federation Navy task force, would lead Solitude to join the Federation swayed by the benefits of collective defence and security as well as retaining considerable amounts of autonomy that was provided in the Federal Charter. A more contemporary example would be the constant immigration of Minmatar to the Federation, to the point where one-fifth of the total population of Minmatar resided within Federal borders. This state of affairs unique to the Federation can act as a double-edged sword when it comes to their security interests. On one hand it can reap massive benefits, as seen with the inclusion of Solitude and the Jin-Mei into the Federation with the resultant economic advantages that new markets and industries have. The incredible draw that the Federation has culturally as a ‘promised land’ can lead independent nations into the fold, furthering the spread of the Federation’s influence and territory through peaceful means, as well as attracting numerous amounts of people from other empires. However, this can also be interpreted by foreign parties as a means of encroaching and undermining their influence and stability, leading to an atmosphere of uncertainty and in some cases fear of the Federation when concerning the latter’s intent. As the Federation has a strong inclination for diplomatic overtures to foreign powers, this perception can impair those efforts before they are even started, especially with more nationalist elements such as the Patriot Bloc of the Caldari State or the conservative elements within the Amarr Empire. The Federation itself can also find itself potentially burdened with the additional security requirements pertaining to the physical security of the territories, such as the region of Solitude which is an enclave of the Federation separated by the territory of the Intaki Syndicate, further stretching commitments of the Federation Armed Forces. This overextension could one day prove to be a major issue within the Senate and the member states as concerns for their security within the region is placed under scrutiny, especially with the spate of invasions from state actors and criminal organisations in recent years. This also includes the human security of the populace, especially as many settlements and nations are rarely developed to the standard expected of the core regions of the Federation, with many Omega-rank cities becoming havens of crime and poverty which reduces the overall quality of life and can have a knock on effect on the security of the area. And finally, one cause for concern in the future is perhaps the Federation’s greatest strength and weakness: its diversity. The Federation is home to countless cultures and civilisations unified under the Federal Charter and Constitution, each with their own beliefs, desires and influence that they wish to realise throughout the Federation. The great level of tolerance in accommodating these factions is a massive draw for the Federation, with many disenfranchised individuals from the other empires gravitating towards Federal borders. However, this tolerance could easily prove to be a thorn in the Federation’s side, allowing ideologies to gain a foothold within the Federation that divide the population. This lack of unity extends into the halls of power, exemplified by the voting blocs and political parties squabbling over policy details and implementation, could seriously impair their ability to present a united front against an external enemy if not handled carefully. The Federation must re-evaluate themselves consistently as they have done so in the past to prevent such elements from effectively protecting the citizenry and their way of life.
The Caldari State Overview – The Caldari State is a corporate republic composed of eight megacorporations, colloquially known as ‘The Big Eight’, which administer, regulate and have unrivalled authority over their respective territories within State borders. A society which prides itself on its meritocratic ideals, military prowess and economic superiority, the Caldari define themselves by their professionalism, commitment to duty and responsibility as well as their reputation of being icons of strength and dignity. Praised for its competitiveness and meritocratic system and deplored by its authoritarian nature and accusations of unethical practices and cultural intolerances by external powers, the State exists today as an independent power that punches well above its weight and one that is impossible to ignore by its neighbours. Founded in 23154AD as a result of irreconcilable differences between the Caldari and the Gallente Federation, the Caldari State in the present day stretches across four regions of space, divided into three hundred and twenty six star systems. The total population of the Caldari State stands around eight and a half trillion, or roughly eleven percent of the clusters total population of which ninety percent identify as Caldari. It is important to note that ‘Caldari’ is not determined by racial identity, but rather cultural compliance with societal rules and customs that are the norm within the State. A singular language is also enforced to ensure cultural compliance and a sense of unity between the populace. These star systems and the worlds within them are divided between the eight megacorporations of the Caldari State, which have absolute authority over their possessions and populations. The Big Eight as they are known are the following: Kaalakiota, Sukuuvesta, Lai Dai, Nugoeihuvi, Ishukone, Hyasyoda, CBD and Wiyrkomi. The Big Eight are then divided into three political blocs that represent their corporate philosophies and beliefs pertaining to their relations with each other and to foreign parties. Kaalakiota, Lai Dai and Wiyrkomi make up the Patriot bloc, known for its strong veneration of Caldari culture and drive to create a State which outclasses all other entities through sheer economic and military superiority. Sukuuvesta, Nugeoihuvi and the CBD compose the Practical bloc, infamous for their unethical practices and their perception that the world is a zero-sum game that ensures that a gain for one is a loss for another. And finally, Ishukone and Hyasyoda belong to the Liberal bloc, which espouse the benefits of free trade without restriction, cooperation and development of good relations with foreign entities to ensure that prosperity can be shared by all in a peaceful environment. The Chief Executive Panel is a joint-venture between these eight megacorporations, mediating disputes between them and ensuring that the competition remains healthy in nature to avoid them devolving into affairs detrimental to the stability and security of the State. The CEP also has executive control over the forces of the Caldari Navy, of which it acts as a unified military in defence of the entire State in contrast to the paramilitary wings of the megacorporations. Additionally, the House of Records and Caldari Business Tribunal were founded to act as a national archive and information repository and a neutral arbitrator respectively, due to mutual recognition of the need for them and by agreement between the Big Eight. The State economic model is fundamentally sound in its operation and prosperity, trading second and third place with the Amarr Empire depending on the financial year and the methodology and terms used to define rankings. Each megacorporation is structured around a bank, which acts as a vehicle for investment and issuance of corporate scrip unique to each Mega. Over ninety percent of the territory within the State is owned by the megacorporations themselves, which lease it to the citizenry and corporations below them. Each megacorporation has financial and economic interests spread in all sectors of the economy via thousands of subsidiary firms that range from law practices, manufacturing concerns as well as research and development agencies. In addition to this, three major independent banking institutions exist: Caldari Funds Unlimited, Modern Finances and State and Region Bank. The State Armed Forces is perhaps the most technologically advanced and professional military in the cluster able to punch well above its weight pound for pound. The State Armed Forces consists of the Caldari Navy, the Caldari Army and the Caldari Marine Corps that exist as part of the CEP’s mandate to defend the State from foreign entities, the eight paramilitary corporations that each Megacorporation maintains as private security forces as well as a whole host of private military corporations and contractors that exist to augment frontline forces as well as to bolster auxiliary services. It is the most militarised state in the cluster out of the Big Four, with an estimated five percent of State citizens being a member of the SAF at any one time. Additionally, each and every citizen of the State must complete a period of compulsorily military service beginning at the start of adolescence, ensuring that there is a constant reserve of manpower that the State can call upon in times of military conflict. The constant state of competitiveness between the Megas themselves can best be described as a pseudo-cold war, necessitating the development of cutting edge technology to gain an advantage over each other wherever they can. A benefit of this is that the Caldari Navy often acquires the most effective and reliable equipment for its own usage, in addition to their own armament programmes that they maintain themselves. This massive emphasis on the military and its associated industrial and contractual concerns have led the Caldari to rival the Federation in terms of sheer arms manufacturing output, as well as providing an extremely attractive environment for defence companies, with four out of the five largest in the cluster headquartered within State territory.
Security and the State: Historical, Current and Future Challenges – The State’s security challenges chiefly concern the stability, profitability and competitiveness of the megacorporations and Caldari society, the continued independence of the Caldari people and the megacorporations from domination by a foreign power as well as the preservation of the culture of the Caldari and preventative measures aimed at reducing the amount of foreign influence deemed a threat to their culture. Historically, for over two centuries the Caldari State’s security concerns equated to that of an existential battle between itself and the Gallente Federation due to the First Caldari-Gallente War, sparked when the Caldari seceded from the Federation and evacuated their home planet to their network of colonies, outposts and bases within the present-day borders of the State. The main concern at the time revolved consistently around the Gallente, as the megacorporations themselves had consolidated enough power between themselves to keep the population unified and focused towards the external threat towards their civilisation, leaving little time or patience for internal dissent. Every action undertaken in the name of increasing or preserving the security of the State involved the Federation in some manner, such as countering the newly-developed drone technology or redoubling research and development efforts to keep one step ahead of the Federation. This challenging environment in which the goal was not only to simply survive in adverse conditions, but also to thrive, permitted the State and the megacorporations to carve out their own empire as well as develop it into the economic and military juggernaut it is today. Nonetheless as peace dawned upon the war weary powers, new challenges and threats to security arose, often overlooked and ignored due to the prevailing thought that the Federation was still the first and foremost danger to the State. This skewed perspective towards the Federation precludes bi-lateral co-operation with them on security matters pertaining to cross-border piracy and crime, such as the proposed joint task force between the Federal and State Armed Forces to tackle the Guristas Pirates in the aftermath of their successful kidnapping of Federal Ambassador Luecin Rileau, only receiving limited assistance and agreement from the Caldari State. This antipathy also extends to CONCORD and its agencies, due to the fear from some that the organisation is nothing more than a Federation proxy, most notably in the interactions between Secure Commerce Commission and Caldari Business Tribunal officials of which the only assistance granted is the bare minimum required by their obligations. This poses a major problem for the security of the Caldari State as not all political blocs agree on what is the extent of external co-operation, or even how to go about it in the first place. CONCORD and the Federation are viewed more favourably by the Liberal bloc, for example their constant support for CONCORD within the CEP and their openness to diplomacy with the latter on issues such as security, trade and most recently, Caldari Prime. Whereas in contrast, the Patriots will scuttle wherever they can proposals that they feel weaken or humiliate the State in the eyes of its foreign competitors, even when said proposals would directly benefit the State overall such as the aforementioned anti-piracy task force against a group renowned for their incessant attempts at undermining the State’s stability and economic wellbeing. Their status as the most powerful political bloc in the State only exacerbates the issue Indeed, only in times of great strife such as in wartime, or to use a more recent example the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, will the State present a unified front politically to the rest of the cluster. Even then, internally there will be debate over what course of action will be the most appropriate for the State as a whole. Issues which threaten to disrupt or otherwise harm the economy of the Caldari State are considered to be a direct assault on the State itself, as it is critical to the continued prosperity and stability of the megacorporations and their citizens. One of these potential hazards are illegal currency exchanges that trade in corporate scrip at conversion rates to ISK which differ greatly to the official corporate exchange value. Scrip is the primary currency of megacorporate citizens, with each mega issuing their own unique scrip and exchange ratio to act as an indicator of their economic wellbeing as well as to ensure that their citizens and employees are not poached by competitors without inducing cost to themselves. These unlawful exchanges, most commonly found in the Syndicate and operated by the Guristas, imperil economically the megas due to their potential harmful repercussions, such as when CBD had to drastically alter their scrip exchange ratio in response to a large dumping of CBD scrip on a Syndicate exchange in YC56. This action led to a revaluation of the ratio, thus in term leading to consumer panic at their savings in CBD scrip being reduced in value and resulting in a run on the banking institutions that CBD operated. This action on the black market prevented CBD from making any major investments to infrastructure or economic development beyond the most necessary until the mid-YC60s due to their ISK reserves being depleted. Thus, a challenge that presents itself to all eight megacorporations that will remain a clear and present concern is to ensure the robustness of the currency and to crack down on these exchanges wherever and whenever they are found. In addition to this, the corporations themselves must be able to maintain their ability to provide for the citizenry in terms of their physical and mental needs, such as a stable environment and economy for them to prosper in as well as ensuring that they can indulge in activities to ensure a decent quality of life. It is also important that the security of the individual is maintained to a standard which is conducive to their productivity and wellbeing, such as the elimination of crime, the availability of products and services of a good standard and adherence to Caldari customs. Whilst the corporations have a considerable amount of power, if their employees or citizens reach a point in which they find their circumstances intolerable, it could lead to protests or civil unrest such as when Minedrill removed the popular recreational narcotic ‘Peseverance’ in YC21 from sale that was met with fierce protest from the mining community in Tannolen. In worst-case scenarios, areas that are not adequately policed by the security forces or deliberately ignored by the corporations could become havens for criminal organisations as well as the populations there deserting or rioting in response. Thus, the corporations must be able to meet the challenges that threaten the human security of their corporate citizens, as well as those that involve the economy and politics of the State in the wider sense. To tackle this, regulatory oversight must be increased to the extent that it is able to detect and remove elements within the economy that are not conducive to a healthy and competitive market as well as those that are of a destabilising nature. An example of a State corporation that suffered the consequences of attempted destabilisation was the Seaguard Financial campaign of fear and uncertainty against Caldari Funds Unlimited, which triggered riots and panic across the State as a result of the latter’s perceived instability when it managed over seventy-five percent of all retirement funds in the State. Criminal organisations such as the Guristas Pirates, Serpentis Corporation and Angel Cartel must be prosecuted whenever their unlawful activities come to light within state territory, as well as improving relations with the Big Four wherever possible to mitigate their negative effects. In terms of the State Armed Forces, pound for pound it is unmatched in terms of capability and strength, with a fleet of starships that are constantly on the cutting edge of development, a consistent refitting and upgrade programme as well as a vast military-industrial complex able to support the Caldari Navy, the paramilitaries and various private military companies that are contracted throughout the State and beyond. Nonetheless, the overall size of the Caldari Navy is still smaller than the Imperial and Federation Navies, thus there is a recognisable need to maintain a credible deterrence that would either defeat or severely cripple an opposing power. It must also be able to project power in order to meet the directives set by the Chief Executive Panel as well as Naval command that are deemed necessary to preserve the integrity of the State. Therefore, the current security strategy that emphasises consistent development of new and existing technology to remain at the forefront of the never-ending arms race, as well as procurement of new vessels to avoid the problem that plagues the Imperial Navy of obsolescent ships unfit for purpose, is effective and remains beneficial to the Navy and the State overall. Nevertheless, a dangerous precedent has been set in New Eden with the pre-emptive strikes in YC110 by the Caldari Navy, reciprocated vis a vis in YC115 by the Federation Navy with the Battle of Caldari Prime. Whilst the issue of Home is resolved for now, there exists a potential for uncertainty to cloud the judgements of many a commanding officer on both sides, and caution and clarity must be exercised to prevent flashpoints from developing due to fear of the unknown.
The Minmatar Republic Overview – The Minmatar Republic is a polity representative of the seven tribes of the Minmatar race, founded initially as a parliamentary democracy with assistance from the Federation over a century ago after their co-ordinated uprising against the Amarr Empire that saw them expelled from what is now Republic space. The Seven Tribes of Minmatar are as follows: Brutor, Sebiestor, Krusual, Thukker, Starkmanir, Nefantar and Vherokior. Now a tribal republic post-YC110, the Minmatar are a resilient and resurgent nation dedicated to returning to the days of their ancestors prior to being invaded and enslaved by the Amarr Empire. The territory of the Republic is spread across three regions of space, with two hundred and eighty star systems containing nearly ten trillion inhabitants, of whom roughly seventy percent are of Matari ethnicity with a significant minority of Gallente at around twenty percent of the population. However, this represents only a fifth of the total Matari population, with one third residing in the Gallente Federation and a significant portion still remaining in bondage within the Amarr Empire. However, with the recent change in management and an upturn in the Republic’s fortunes, many Minmatar are returning to the Republic in droves although an equal if not superior number remain in the Federation. Politically, the Republic possesses a Parliament of thirty-five seats that are filled by each of the seven tribes selecting five individuals to represent them, as each tribe is allocated five seats. This is in addition to the Tribal Council of which representatives from all seven tribes can be found to deliberate policies concerning their people, with the Sanmatar assuming roles similar to a head of state. The Tribal Council today is the supreme authority over matters pertaining to the Republic, with the sole right to ratify or modify legislation at will, with the Parliament a shadow of its former self in terms of power. Most issues are delegated to the tribes which enjoy their own autonomy over their territories. However, the Parliament and associated governmental bodies are still delegated duties and roles that are too minor for the Tribal Council to deliberate, thus they remain part of the overall Republic administration. The Prime Minister is directly appointed by the Tribal Council to act as its representative as well as to guide and direct Parliament on official matters, as well as enjoying the right to attend but not participate in Tribal Council meetings. Economically, the Republic is dominated by agricultural, mining and manufacturing businesses, but retains a small core of research and development industries that are just as able at producing high-tech products as the rest of the cluster. Whilst the economy is the smallest out of the Big Four, it should in no means be scoffed at as the Republic enters a new era of stability and growth with the changing of the political system and the return of the Thukkers, the Nefantar and the Starkmanir to the fold, bringing with them their unique expertise and skillset to the Republic. That said, unemployment and crime remain rife with eight point nine one percent of the population unemployed in the Republic, although consistently falling since YC110 with a twenty-four point seven three percent fall in crime in YC113 alone. The Republic Security Forces are composed of a multi-tiered system, all of which are dedicated to the preservation of the Republic’s territorial integrity and the simple mission statement that the tribes must never again endure defeat and enslavement at the hands of foreign powers. The Republic Armed Forces are not the largest in the cluster, nor do they possess the most advanced equipment necessarily, but they more than make up with it with a professional officer corps of talented individuals that are highly competent at their roles, as well as a strong esprit de corps to be found within the enlisted ranks with their role of defending the Republic. Additionally, the Republic Justice Department acts as the premier law-enforcement agency in the Republic on pursuing organised crime and elements such as slavers operating in Republic territory. And finally, the Republic Security Services is the Republic’s answer to the Federation Intelligence Office, with a reputation for dealing with unsavoury elements in their objective to protect the Republic through clandestine methods.
Security and the Republic: Historical, Current and Future Challenges – The Republic’s security challenges can seem quite obvious to the average observer in that their primary objective is to ensure that the Republic continues to exist as an independent, united polity that acts as a representative and guardian of the Seven Tribes to the rest of the cluster. And to an extent they are right, the Republic does continue to face threats from elements within the Empire as well as those from the criminal fraternity. However, the Republic also endures numerous human security related problems, such as a historically high-rate of poverty and crime, as well as limited opportunities for many Minmatar citizens to enjoy until recent years. Whilst there have been great strides in rectifying these issues, there are still a great many left to face for the Republic. Historically, the Republic’s greatest concern was its stability, and those concerns were not limited to the Republic administration and populace alone. The Federal government provided considerable financial and technical assistance in establishing and maintaining the Republic’s political and economic infrastructure, with many Republic corporations bearing the hallmarks of their Federal counterparts such as Freedom Extension, a logistics company and one of the most successful Minmatar corporations to have been founded post-Rebellion. Federal assistance was key to the survival of the Republic in the early days, and their status as key allies has not disintegrated since, despite numerous incidents straining the relationship between the two nations. Economically the main objectives for the Republic was on being able to provide a consistent supply of foodstuffs for the populace as well as a solid manufacturing and resource extraction industry for the production of much-needed infrastructure for both civilian and military purposes. Urban Management and Native Freshfood produce a large amount of goods for the Republic’s populace, often distributing it with Republic guidance and subsidies to those in the greatest need of it as well as ensuring fair access to resources. In addition to this, the Republic has also encouraged the expansion of the manufacturing industries to ensure that a steady and reliable supply of heavy industrial goods and hardware are produced within the Republic, not only to cultivate the development of skills and technical expertise but also to be able to build the infrastructure that is required for both the civilian market and military requirements. Whilst arguably the least technological of the empires, the research and development sector in the Republic has grown remarkably well and has achieved several breakthroughs in starship engineering as well as providing assistance to the manufacturing industry through innovative and creative solutions to ensure that they remain competitive with the rest of the cluster. One major issue that the Republic has endured since its founding is something that is quite difficult for it to manage historically, and that particular issue is the one of Minmatar emigration out of the Republic and the ‘brain drain’ that is an inevitable result. Only a fifth of the total Minmatar reside in the Republic, with one third of all Minmatar living in the Federation as it presented itself as a ‘promised land’ for all compared to the perceived desolate, crime-ridden, poverty stricken Republic in which opportunities were few and far between. Many of the best and brightest of the Minmatar left for greener pastures, castrating the Republic’s intelligentsia. Thus, economic security and prosperity for the Republic is closely tied with human security, as can be witnessed with the departure of many Minmatar out for reasons related to the latter. That being said, with the encouragement and economic confidence that has been stimulated by the newly-formed tribal administration, a considerable number of Minmatar have returned to the Republic to support the rapid-growth that the economy is undergoing. The dispelling of the corrupt, inefficient malaise that had gripped the Republic, with a greater emphasis on tribal unity and the Minmatar diaspora realising the need to present a united front against the Empire, have also nullified the ‘draw’ of the Federation to an extent, although it is still early days and the Federation is still a popular destination for the disenfranchised and disillusioned. Thus, the objective for the Republic is to encourage and stimulate further growth to develop the Republic’s attractiveness as a place to live, as well as to ensure that the living conditions are stable enough for the average man or woman to raise a family and that they are able to achieve prosperity. Development of the Republic Security Forces, both the Republic Fleet, the Republic Security Services and the Justice Department remain a high priority for the current administration to this day, with a major portion of the annual budget earmarked for expansion and maintenance further augmented by Federal aid for this express purpose. The Republic Fleet acts as the main military force of the Tribal Council, with institutions such as the Republic Military School providing recruits with basic and specialist training before assigning them to the Fleet. Whilst not enjoying the technological sophistication of the Federation and the State, or the sheer numbers of the Imperial navy, it makes up these shortfalls with intuitive and innovative battlefield strategies, gifted commanders as well as some of the most passionate and dedicated individuals to be found anywhere in the cluster. Many officers and enlisted are encouraged to think outside the box and to implement creative strategies to overcome their foes that enjoy advantages that the Minmatar do not have. Perhaps one of the greatest showcases of Republic Fleet training and battlefield doctrine came in YC108 from the mutineer, Captain 1st Rank Karishal Muritor, commanding a limited amount of ships from his command vessel, the Hel-class supercarrier Alfhild. Taking with him several capital-class vessels and the support fleet of the Alfhild, he waged an effective if short campaign against the Empire in the Bleak Lands, successfully inflicting grievous losses on Imperial assets within the region despite being outnumbered severely. Thus, whilst it is the smallest of the Big Four’s Armed Forces, it is by no means the feeblest. It is more than capable and willing to defend its territory as well as having the ability to project power to a certain extent. The aforementioned increase in economic and civilian activity has also provided the military with improved recruitment rates and ability to procure equipment, further bolstering the Republic Fleet. The efforts of the Republic Justice Department and the Republic Security Services must not be ignored either, as both of these organisations support the overall security apparatus in their methods and actions, some more controversial than others. The objective for the Republic in the present day is to continue to support the development of the Republic Fleet into a force to be reckoned with, as well as to provide adequate funding for the RJD and RSS to carry out their mission to improve the lot of the Republic’s population within Republic borders. Organised crime has been historically endemic within the Republic, perhaps more so than any other empire in the Big Four. The Angel Cartel in particular has a considerable presence in the Republic, as many of their number are of Matari descent, as well as their allies the Serpentis Corporation. The Cartel engaged in outlandish acts against the Republic over the course of its history, leading up to the attempted annexation of the Skarkon system in YC110 of which the Republic found itself unable to control the situation via the use of its Security Forces. In addition to this, the Serpentis Corporation floods the Republic with up to fourteen percent out of an estimated eighty-five percent of the cluster’s overall unlawful narcotics production. Their monopoly over the human trafficking, slavery, racketeering and piracy within the Republic poses a great challenge for the latter to manage, especially on an issue as sensitive as slavery. As well as this, some elements of the population that were disenfranchised with the Midular government at the time actively worked with these criminals to provide them with safe harbour in exchange for their own security requirements and personal gain, although the level of this collaboration is often greatly exaggerated. The RJD and RSS have proven themselves to be capable enough at managing anti-slavery campaigns against Imperial agents and other subversive elements, and now they must turn their attentions towards the criminal organisations that do the same but in the name of profit instead of religious conviction. In terms of foreign relations, the Republic has historically shared excellent relations with the Federation, mutual dislike bordering on outright hostility towards the Empire and relative ambivalence towards the State. Federal aid and security co-operation, especially against the Angel Cartel and Serpentis Corporation, has proven invaluable to the Republic especially in the years where the internal situation was nothing short of chaotic. However, relations have been strained in recent years, culminating in the Battle of Colelie in YC115 when Federation Navy and Republic Fleet dreadnaughts engaged each other leading to the destruction of the Republic Fleet battlegroup. Nonetheless, despite this episode the alliance between the two nations remains intact and it appears will continue to do so for the near-future, which is critical for Republic security planning and maintaining the balance of power in the cluster overall. And finally, one issue of significant standing within the Republic is the topic of the Imperial Rite and those adherents which remain faithful, most of the time composed of rescued slaves but also those that were emancipated under Jamyl I’s proclamation and those converted by the ongoing missionary programme that the Empire operates. At a time when the Republic needs to be unified the most, the presence of these individuals that bear allegiance to the state religion of their common enemy is a major source of contention and in some cases, outright anger and violence. These individuals are viewed with suspicion as potential fifth-columnists, and give rise to a concern that the soft power strategy of the Empire is attempting to ensnare the Republic again, but this time through religious indoctrination instead of military domination. The Republic will need to find a way to accommodate these individuals, but also prepare a contingency plan in case these fears are made fact.
Capsuleers and the Empires – With the merging of the capsule and the clone and the subsequent issuance of the first independent capsule pilot licences in YC105, the Capsuleer has played an important role in the shaping and execution of Empire policy and doctrine. Whilst the strength of loyalist groups and loyalism in general has been on the decline since the halcyon days of the Empyrean Age, their achievements and influence cannot be ignored nor can it be trivialised. Loyalist organisations such as Ushra’Khan and Electus Matari for the Minmatar Republic and Curatores Veritatis Alliance and Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris for the Amarr Empire fought against each other on numerous occasions in the name of their factions, as well as directly supporting them on occasion out of principle and pride. Caldari organisations such as The Fourth District, Wiyrkomi Honour Guard and the Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive each have a long and storied history of serving the State and their respective megacorporations. Whether it is defending territory or officials of the empires, carrying out missions and directives on their behalf, or simply showing support, Capsuleers have been responsible for facilitating some of their greatest successes throughout the brief period that the Capsuleer has been active. That said, the Capsuleer has proven to be remarkably fickle in their allegiances, with their interests aligning with one faction at one moment in time and then completely changing the next, without thought to consequence or ramifications for their actions to the empires, their interests or their citizens. For example, the Crielere research station was heavily defended against the forces of the Guristas Pirates by capsuleer captains in YC106. But in the following year the Flight of the Molyneux occurred, in which the Federation Navy Soltueur titan FNS Molyneux was hijacked by a Serpentis Corporation strike team, a feat which was ultimately successful due to the efforts of a Capsuleer fleet that assisted them in returning to Serpentis Prime. The Caldari Providence Directorate was resoundingly rejected by the Capsuleers at Haatomo in YC115, but was assisted by others in escaping the clutches of the Caldari Navy later in the year. The empires must take into account that the average independent Capsuleer is loyal to no-one but themselves when taking them into consideration, yet they can be a powerful ally when they are able to secure their loyalty and services. Nonetheless, the Capsuleer and their exploits have had a profound and lasting effect on Empire policy, especially when developing technology and strategies for their national armed forces. The redesigning of several frigate and cruiser vessels in YC114 was a direct response to the ongoing border conflict waged between the Capsuleer auxiliaries. The design, development and deployment of the Force Auxiliary-class capital ship was a direct response to observations of Capsuleer strategic capital warfare doctrine out in the null-sectors, necessitating events such as the Amarr-Caldari Capital Warfare Summit of YC118 in which Mens Reppola, CEO of Ishukone and a former Caldari Navy officer, emphasised in no uncertain terms that the Capsuleers were an inspiration for the Big Four to update their capital ship doctrines themselves. As we enter the next decade of history, the Capsuleers will play a significant role in the security challenges that face the empires, whether it is directly against their forces and desires, or hand in hand to achieve them. Capsuleer groups such as the Arataka Research Consortium and other affiliated groups were instrumental in the resolution of the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, as well as researching and taking a lead role in the ongoing Drifter Crisis and the emergence of the newly-discovered Triglavian Collective. Only time will tell what the next ten years will present the Capsuleer, and their indomitable will in tackling them head on.
Conclusion – The next decade of history will bring numerous security challenges to the empires of New Eden, of that there is no doubt. The empires will continue to endure and weather the storm, no matter how intense. Nonetheless, it is critical that they examine and prepare for the next ten years, as more unknown or insidious entities and factors such as the Drifters and the Kyonoke Virus could arise during that time that threatens their security and stability on the cluster stage. Each empire of the Big Four has unique security problems that they must tackle, as well as sharing several common issues such as the ongoing matter of piracy and crime and corruption. They have been a consistent matter for the administration to come to terms with, and will certainly continue for years to come. Cultural and economic issues will remain at the forefront of empire politics, especially in societies such as the Federation which welcome all regardless of background, and those that do not such as the Republic and the State which seek to preserve and rebuild their culture as part of a greater national identity. Organised crime groups and other pirate groups are on the march, conducting numerous advanced weapons programmes and numerous research and development projects which rival the Big Fours in size and funding. Political flashpoints and military standoffs could jeopardise the delicate state of affairs between historical enemies and longstanding allies, potentially leading to great disruption and strife between them once more. And the Capsuleers fight on in the name of country, corporation and themselves, affecting the low-security and null-sector regions with their never-ending lust for conflict and power. This piece has only scratched the surface of the underlying issues that we have faced, continue to manage and what we could potentially encounter. If the next ten years are anything like the past fifteen since the start of the Empyrean Age, then we must be prepared for any eventuality to arise in order to effectively meet and reduce the likelihood of risk not only to the pillars of power but also in ensuring that the populace of New Eden continues to live in relative peace.