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The Story

Author: Elias enDiabel

Original post:

Entry for YC121 New Eden Capsuleer’s Writing Contest in the Prose category.

Elias claims to be one of Silphy en Diabel’s many distant cousins, a small cog in a large wheel but no one appears to know exactly where or when he was born; despite being the CEO of his self styled ‘militia’ corporation he seems to maintain a certain amount of anonymity by operating under an alias whenever he leaves the station on unofficial business. As it stands Elias en Diabel seems to be largely unknown outside of his own inner circle, this does indeed suit the work with which his various dubious and somewhat shady contacts are infamous for.


It’s during one his earlier misadventures, whilst being forced to abandon goods to pirates that suddenly appeared in system, Elias first became involved with Anoikis space and quickly shifted focus towards the possibilities this could provide. Elias drank deep all the knowledge he could find learning how he too could also exploit Anoikis for smuggling and other nefarious acts, even living and raiding from the fabled Thera for a short time. Most recently however he has developed a slight obsession with the Seyllin disaster and shattered planets, being convinced that if he learns how or why this event happened he will be closer to being able to open his own portals and raid far into the outer regions of known space at will.

Intaki Syndicate Militia


Past deeds and political attitudes have made entrepreneurship awkward for Elias in gaining favourable work, Silphy’s stranglehold on The Syndicate have also not made it easier in the region and it was with slight trepidation after realising the need to have some form of military backing if he was to take on more expansive tasks, Elias began the forming of a new militia within Syndicate. Whilst not quite a formal military organisation and with no real support the Intaki Syndicate Militia was born; taking any that are willing into their ranks and attempting to prepare them for future endeavors. Station managers outside of Poitot quickly capitalised on the potential of increased security that could be provided by another corp, especially one that utalised wormholes and had experience in smuggling operations to and from empire space.

2018-12-13_18-28-44The militias potential could not be denied and Elias has subsequently turned privateer, waylaying pirates and smugglers under a commission of war, letters of marque provided by various station managers that proliferate the region. Under these commission’s the Intaki Syndicate Militia have bushwacked many explorers and other craft stating that unknown ships that wonder into the area are “obvious scouts and spies”.

Militia pilots receive some training on interdiction tactics; how to set up interim ‘camps’ or ambushes as well as disabling target warp drives, skirmishing and how to utalise wormholes for travel. The scope of the militias operations are not yet fully known but they are seen running security missions for various agents in the area, often being called upon to deal with some of the more socially disoriented and disruptive pirates that happen to frequent the area and plague operations.

2018-12-13_18-14-55.pngThe Intaki Syndicate Militia currently reside in the MK7-AO constellation of the Syndicate where plans to set up a research base to study the shattered planet in 35-RK9 are currently underway. Realising the need to have some fluidity with other entities that live in the local area the militia joined the Sons of Bane alliance and are working with other local groups on establishing a small coalition in an attempt to help secure assets from outside forces..