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It's a Man's Life in the Imperial Army

Author: Louella Dougans

Original post:

Entry for the YC116 Pod and Planet Fiction Contest in the Eight Thousand Suns in New Eden category.

"This is Amarr Certified News. A bakery in Ves-Udor was raided earlier today, after Ministry of Internal Order agents discovered it was a front for a heretic organisati-"

/- Turn that off would you? Damn Sani Sabik get craftier every year. Blasphemous baked goods, what will they think of next. You know, I fought several campaigns against them during my time in the Army.

/- The first campaign, that was when I was still a platoon commander. Our regiment had been posted to the Bleak Lands, for routine policing, or so we were told. The Bleak Lands aren't called that for fun you know. Anyway, there I was, 4th platoon, H company, when we were deployed to support the local Holder's militia, after a Sani Sabik cult was found on one of the planets, an agricultural world.

/- It was quite a pleasant trip down to the planet, not a combat drop, so we weren't in battle gear, which was rather nice, and when we arrived, we found out that active operations weren't to start for a few days. Which allowed the senior officers such as myself, the opportunity to interact with the local Holders, to find out what the situation was.

/- One advantage of a career in the Army, is the opportunity to meet plenty of Holders. Social networking, you know. Highly useful, now, where was I? Ah yes.

/- Now, after meeting the planetary Holder, a rather pompous fellow, I thought. Had the look of a Kador about him, though he wasn't of that Family. After meeting him, along with the rest of the militia officers, and discussing a little bit of strategy, I returned to our base to discuss things with my own platoon.

/- I recall saying to my platoon sergeant what a pleasant planet this was, what with it being a farming world, and how nice it would be to raise a family somewhere like that. To which my platoon sergeant said "If the Army wanted us to have a family, we'd be issued one". Which was rather forthright, but that is what sergeants are for.

/- Anyway, the next day, we met with the local militia regiment, giving our officers and men a chance to mingle for a while. A few sporting competitions, rifle shooting and so on. All rather entertaining. I myself played a few rounds of cards with the militia officers. Then we were told the somewhat unwelcome news that our recon platoon had reported that the cultists were larger and better equipped than we had previously been led to believe. Our regimental commander decided that we should cut short the festivities, and begin preparing for immediate combat operations. Which caused the card game to fizzle out somewhat. After excusing myself, I went to inform my senior NCOs of the change in plans.

/- I found most of my NCOs playing their own card game, and informed them, then went to my platoon sergeant's quarters. I opened the door and said "Platoon sergeant, there has been a change in plans, Oh." I said "oh", because, much to my surprise, my platoon sergeant was occupied, ah, entertaining, one of the militia's senior NCOs. "Sergeant, you are out of uniform", I said, to which she replied "Yes, sir", because of course, she was. Complete starkers. "Regiment CO says operations are to begin tomorrow, Sergeant", I said, to which she responded "Very good, sir". Then I said "Carry on, Sergeant", and to the militia NCO, I said "As you were, that man", then I left.

/- The next day, after parade, we received our orders. Our first mission, was to assault and capture a farm complex that the cultists had taken over some time ago. Our platoon was to spearhead the assault, with the militia in support.

/- Now, the main complex was on a slight ridge, which meant that the approach to the complex would be rather difficult, as they would have a clear line of sight. So, to cover our approach, I decided to set the crop fields on fire, the smoke would disguise our approach, until we got to within weapons range. Our militia colleagues disagreed with this course of action, protesting that the crops were valuable. To which I replied that crushing heretics took priority. Which of course it does.

/- After we secured the farm complex, we returned to base, to rest and prepare for the next day's operations. To my dismay, our company commander summoned me to discuss things, as apparently the argument about setting the crops on fire was still continuing, with the local Holders expressing concern.

/- Politics is always needlessly complicated, in my opinion. Such is the way of things, though. Duty to God and Emperor takes priority over such squabbling.

/- The next day, our platoon was again to lead an assault, this time against a cultist position at a small industrial facility, located in the forests in the hills above the farmland. To give us the element of surprise, I decided to start a small forest fire, the intent being it would serve as a distraction, while we flanked the facility. Once again, the militia officers disagreed, and once again, I reminded them that eradicating heretics takes priority.

/- This assault was a little more intense than previously, with some casualties, including my platoon sergeant, who received a wound in the lower body. After we secured the area, we returned to base, to rest and prepare for future operations. Again, our company commander summoned me to discuss things, the local Holders seemingly upset about the forest fire that turned out larger than predicted. After that, I visited my sergeant in the base hospital, to see how she was. "Got me right in the ovary, sir", she said, explaining the extent of her injuries. To which I said "That could be a Sign from God you know, Sergeant. Perhaps you should think about a family and all that.", to which she said "Indeed, sir".

/- Our last operation, was to assault a small airfield that the cultists had captured and were using as their HQ. To serve as a distraction, I suggested an artillery bombardment on the fuel depot, the fire caused by that would surely distract the cultists. The militia again objected, which by this time I considered unsurprising, but our company commander overruled their objections.

/- After securing the airfield, our company was recalled to base by our regimental commander, and placed on garrison duty for the rest of the campaign. Seemingly, complaints by the local Holders, regarding damage to property, were causing some concern. As if property takes priority over Righteousness and crushing heretics.

/- And that was my first campaign against the Sani Sabik, in the Bleak Lands. When war was a much more civilized affair than this current mess, if you ask me.

/- Now, put the holovision back on, would you ? The Sarum Prime Slaver hound trials should be on soon.