Eras of Soliara III
Author: Zedicon Prime
Original post:
Entry for YC124 New Eden Capsuleer’s Writing Contest in the Prose category.
You may notice in the following centuries numbered below… that inventions often came decades or even generations apart, or in an order unusual compared to what they would have happened in on a planet starting from nothing. This is for two reasons; first, we started off with high technology, then patched and retrofitted things to make them keep lasting as long as we could, and second… we were focused the entire time on establishing an agricultural and roads foothold, doing all we could to expand within the capacity of our harvests and mining products, so the vast majority of our people were doing scout, pioneer, and engineering/construction work, not rediscovering/remastering the breakthroughs/technologies our ancestors brought with them through the Gate.
Also, we did not endure a warfare-intervals civilization fluctuation; we did not lose cities or major portions of our population during some time periods. This is largely attributed to our healthier-than-average diet and lifestyle, as well as to our millennia-long focus on ensuring everyone on our home-world and its later colony-worlds would survive, with a heavy emphasis of that effort being on educating and socializing, not compartmentalizing or rushing them. We also never really saw any religion take hold --and even when the Amarr showed up after we’d had millennia of barely any religion at all, it was easy for us to work with them because we viewed repeating their religious prayers and other phrases to them as part of translation, interpretation, and pacification SOPs (and, of course, we’d had generations of listening to their radio and other transmissions, so we knew well in advance what was coming whenever they finally made it all the way over to us).
You’ll see on our world maps that many place names sound Moldovan or Romanian. This is because we had a large number of people with those backgrounds. Millions made it through the EVE Gate, and not all of them spoke the languages which evolved into the modern fusions of the ‘big four’.
7000s: Getting Here
990s: In the final decade of this millennium, the first settlers arrived in Helab and decided that Soliara’s third planet would be the easiest one to establish a colony on. 8000s: Making Sure We Will Survive - Agriculture
00s: We spent our first decades building up ten landing sites until they were towns able to provide for their own needs. Hundreds to thousands more colonists were arriving at a time, allowing us to expand at an extreme pace, setting up many outlying facilities which grew into towns of their own. In 8061, the EVE Gate collapsed, and all that immigration traffic stopped. The final decades of this first century here mostly involved deciding what to do with the ships, drones, and other technology we had, knowing it might be the last time we ever had such marvels; once they broke down, we might not be able to repair or replace them. Collectively, we decided to build everything advanced we thought our existing population might need for generations to come, so thick walls, gates, and sea-walls were erected with the help of our drones and other machines, as were farms of all sizes (with irrigation, Archimedes screws, plows, reaping machines, hay-balers, grain silos, canning rooms, root cellars, windmills, etc.), desalination plants, aqueducts and plumbing (including for reservoirs, water towers, bath houses, fountains, etc.), sewer systems, recycling plants, 3D-printing factories (for homes, incandescent light bulbs, spare parts, tools, vehicles, etc.), municipal/local streets and highways, storm shelter/cellar networks, hospitals, powerplants, refineries, solar cookers (for when gas and electric stoves and grills are not possible), wind turbines for generating electricity, and much more. 100s: Our second century on this planet became known for our desperate push out in all directions planet-side, sending our drones out to map everything, place weather-monitoring devices, and dig as deep as they could. While this campaign was successful, getting out to the the faraway places those drones did their work… will take centuries in many cases, even millennia in some. 200s: The original ten canyon-based communities were now dozens. Much of the technology brought with the settlers was still functioning well. Still, these clusters of suburbs around those first communities are hundreds of miles apart, arranged around an ocean-sized sea/bay, so we have a lot of work ahead of us… if we are to stay connected and as a global civilization. 300s: Focusing half on expanding our mines now (and maintaining our tech’ levels for steel, high-carbon, cast iron, potassium nitrate manufacturing, zinc production, gears, horseshoes, cams, gimbals, blast furnaces, sulfur matches, gunpowder, corrugated galvanised iron, superphosphate (first man-made fertilizer), nitroglycerin (first explosive stronger than black powder), pneumatic drills, Bessemer process facilities, dynamite, stainless steel, smokeless powder, Hall–Héroult process devices, Bayer process devices, gold cyanidation chambers, etc.), our agriculture was keeping up with our slowly increasing population. We couldn’t keep up with the rate the first drones had dug, however, so we never found most of them. Developing simple methods of mining, smelting, metalsmithing, making tools, and extracting pigment ingredients, we prepare for the worst; we know we’ll be losing a lot of our machines fairly soon. Cave paintings also came into trend around this century, as we were in our mines so often. 400s: We are now up to our first hundred town-sized settlements on Soliara III. Some of our original technology has started breaking down. This will slow our initial colonization, temporarily putting an end to skyscrapers, metal ships, and other megastructures, but we know it will help us focus on mastering the basics of utilizing what is local to us, and having no dependency on long supply-chains, complex products we cannot easily produce ourselves, and foreign/off-world sources… is obviously a good thing which will keep us clever, strong, and free. 500s: After hundreds of years, the weather monitoring devices our drones had planted around the world had broken down --even the nearby ones on our central continent which we managed to get scouts and technicians out to. Many of us are now developing simple methods for making bricks and ceramics, and Dichroic glass, among other things. 600s: ~150 town-sized settlements, but still pretty far apart around our central sea / sub-ocean, and not yet connected by rails or even roads. Many learn how to make replacement clothing from local materials without machinery, and weaving is catching on. 700s: Wildlife on this world hasn’t proven to be a nuissance or threat to us, but we have still been making spears, projectiles such as arrows, and even some short swords just in case, and almost everyone carries low-tech or no-tech tools and defensive weapons like that when they work or explore beyond our city walls, all our settlements now like fortress-towns much more than before, appearing medieval in that sense, albeit with a century of modern architecture (such as skyscrapers and starports) within those encircling perimeters. 800s: Many other primitive things are now in mass-production, reimagined using only local materials and renewables from this settled world of ours; glue, paint, reed pens, beds, needles, mortar & pestles, flutes, rope, kilns, wax, toilets, dice, papyrus (and paper), measuring tools, dictionaries, protractors, scissors, sun-dials, glass, surgical tools, seed drills, rubber, lathes, concrete, saddles, crossbows, cranes, catapults, wheelbarrows, water wheels, etc… 900s: Some begin domesticating local (to the planet) wildlife. Chariots and similar animal-pulled vehicles become common. ~25 cities and ~200 towns by now 9000s: Linking the First Settlements of the Central Hemisphere - Trails Upgraded to Roads
00s: After that first millennia of using our advanced technology to the max while we still had it, we had established plenty of modern facilities and comforts in our still far-apart clusters of suburbs around the ten first settlements, so we were by no means struggling or Stone Age in them, but all expanding beyond them was more and more at a snail’s pace, primitive as can be, largely baesd on what we were bringing up and processing from our mines, and the limits of our farms’ harvests plus the annual bounty the shared central sea could provide. 100s: We’d been slowly extending our roads out first, from city to suburb, and then to outpost and waypoint-town, until, after several hundred years, almost a thousand, the ~100 to ~300-mile distances between our first ten settlements had been scouted and paved; trails of off-roading vehicles once used to move things between those places… were now proper roads, soon to be upgraded into simple highways, much easier for our chariots and other primitive vehicles to move upon. Our original, now ancient, aircraft and small Spacecraft are barely in service anymore, having enjoyed respectably-long lifespans, and we do our best to keep them patched up and safe, but know that every flight in any of them is a major risk, even if only between our big cities; land-travel remains by far the most common form of transportation, with sea travel across the only sea we have been using… the second. Arch bridges and suspension bridges become very common and well-engineered, helping us cross all nearby rivers. 200s: hydraulic fracturing (a more environmentally-friendly form of this technology) 300s: three-point hitch 400s: rotary mills 500s: eyeglasses 600s: oil wells 700s: telescope 800s: compound microscopes 900s: levee, ~50 cities and ~300 towns by now 10000s: Sea Lanes Established Across the Middle of the Central Continent - Sailboats
00s: We had some airships which we were able to convert into no-electricity boats, and they are now added to new builds, both types being made for sailing, not just rowing. fishing reel, paddle-wheel boat, Mariner’s compass, star chart, light-house, canal lock, dry-dock 100s: caravel (small, more-maneuverable sailing ship), Mercator projection 200s: pendentive dome, refrigeration machine (proto-refrigerator) 300s: astrolabe 400s: polyethylene synthesized (the most common plastic) 500s: commutated rotary electromechanical machine, rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery, electromagnet, air compressor, electromagnetic induction, electromechanical relay 600s: electrical generator (commercial), vacuum cleaner, lawn mower, Pelton wheel 700s: laminated glass (at first for aesthetics, then to protect against high/storm-winds, and eventually shatter- and blast-resistant), Crookes radiometer 800s: vacuum tube and diode, proto-car 900s: hovercraft (air-cushion), ~75 cities and ~450 towns by now 11000s: Civilization Spread Across All of the Central Continent - Steam Engines and Steampunk
00s: steam turbine, steam shovel, steam hammer, steamboat, steam locomotive, zeppelin, piston engine 100s: Stirling engine, Francis turbine, hydraulic accumulator, rotary-wing aircraft 200s: bakelite, phonograph, chemical vapor deposition 300s: cellophane, metal detector 400s: Haber process 500s: electrolysis, capacitor, telegraph, photography, Geissler tube (proto-neon lighting), arc lamp, radio, radiograph (using x-rays), television 600s: “cloud chamber” (first particle detector), telephone 700s: model electric racing cars, four-stroke cycle (for internal-combustion engines) 800s: railways, articulated trams 900s: high-speed rail, ~100 cities and ~600 towns by now 12000s: Settling the East Continent - Rebooted Industrial Age
00s: safety-brake elevator, Bergius process, reinforced concrete 100s: Kaplan turbine, carbon arc welding 200s: military tanks 300s: Czochralski process 400s: crystal oscillator 500s: aircraft carriers 600s: Fischer-Tropsch process 700s: Yagi-Uda antenna 800s: liquid-fueled rocket 900s: quartz clock, tunnel-boring machine, carbon fibers, ~125 cities and ~750 towns by now 13000s: First Islands to the West; Strategic Midway Points - Technology Like That of Earth’s Pre-Space Modern Era
00s: photovoltaic effect (first solar-cell), turbo-jet engine, fuel cell 100s: rebreather, supersonic combusting ramjet 200s: phase-contrast microscopy 300s: electron microscope 400s: FM radio 500s: nylon (first synthetic fiber) 600s: computer (first truly programmable) 700s: nuclear power (fission; not yet atomic/fusion) 800s: Pu-239 isotope (of plutonium) 900s: cavity magnetron (later applied to radar and microwave oven appliances), ~150 cities and ~900 towns by now 14000s: Spotting the West Continent - Nearly into Low Orbit
00s: It had been six millennia since we’d arrived on this world; the maps which had survived that time were dangerously outdated, and we did not have satellites in orbit to help us update any of their information, so we were once again guessing at what might be over our horizon. 100s: polyester 200s: microwave oven 300s: ejector seat 400s: holography 500s: transistor 600s: atomic clock 700s: video game 800s: video tape recorder 900s: We were now regularly flying advanced aircraft into our upper atmosphere. ~175 cities and ~1,050 towns by now 15000s: Footholds on the West Continent - Into Low Orbit
00s: personal computer 100s: integrated circuit 200s: We started sending unmanned test-flights up out of our atmosphere. 300s: Our first artificial satellite was successfully launched into a stable orbit. 400s: GPS, crewed Spaceflight 500s: satellite TV 600s: satellite transmissions for more than just visual and auditory data; we are able to transmit signals for the other senses, as well 700s: stereolithography 800s: pocket calculator, Kevlar, atomic/nuclear power, laser (first functioning) 900s: Space station, video-game console, and email, ~200 cities and ~1,200 towns by now 16000s: Inland on the West Continent - and Our Space Race; High Orbit and Beyond (to the Nielez system)
00s: This was the century when we finally reached our nearest moon --and now that we had become able to get into Space, all rapid progress toward reaching and colonizing our remaining uninhabited continents dropped to next to nothing (shown as the only small-increment bright-yellow line on our progression map of otherwise-concentric lines), thus the mere handful of cities spread far and wide on them all the way to the present (23360s A.D.) even after the following ~6,000 years. cell phone, commercially available, then fiber-optic communication systems 100s: By now, we had reached our other three moons; Soliara III has 2 proper/recognized moons, and 2 minor ones. Major technological improvments include: microcomputers, flash memory, laptops, capacitive touchscreen, DNA sequencing, reusable Spacecraft, self-driving cars, and extreme ultraviolet lithography machines (by ASML; the company that makes microchips and other computer parts possible and much more miniaturized). 200s: We reached more of our inner planets. DNA profiling and 3D-printing restored 300s: We reached the first of our outer planets. lithium-ion battery 400s: We reached all our home-system planets. WWW and web browsers 500s: We found the ruins of one of the jump-gates which, in ancient times, connected our system to another, but we couldn’t figure out how to restore/repair/reactivate it. smart-phones 600s: We found the ruins of another jump-gate from ancient times; it was the one which once connected our system to Afrah. Again, though, we were unable to get it to work for us. quantum computing 700s: Spacecraft carriers have become common now. 800s: Advancements in the cloning of non-humans and humans are made, motivated by the generations-long voyages required anytime we wish to send people from our home-world to any of the worlds of even the closest star-system. 900s: We reached the star-system nearest us; Nielez. Space travel between planets still takes months for us, and a generation or more between nearby star-systems (>100 years). Still, we are reluctant to use cryogenic stasis, preferring instead to take our time building comfortable cruise-like Spaceships which people won’t mind spending a lot of their lifespan in. ~225 cities and ~1,350 towns on Soliara III by now 17000s: Farther Inland on the West Continent - and Reaching Afraghen
00s: DNA editing; genetic engineering - and cities are started on the most-habitable/temperate of the Nielez planets 100s: synthetic organism - and a global orbital bombardment campaign begins (nonviolent); tungsten kinetic impact rods are dropped from Spaceships in orbit over Nielez VII on numerous remote uninhabited sites in order to soften and open them up for easier near-future mining-operations access 200s: asteroid-tracking improvements - and HAARP/SBX (weather modification/control) technology is used on Nielez IV and Nielez VIII to steer and mitigate storms/hurricanes 300s: asteroid-mining improvements 400s: We reached the star-system named Afraghen. Space travel between star-systems now only takes ~1 generation; ~100 years. 500s: La Grange point research 600s: electrogravitics R+D 700s: cavitation advancements 800s: H.A.A.R.P./ionosphere R+D, and void-energy discovery 900s: ~225 cities and ~1,350 towns on Soliara III still; the Space-race started slowing our civilization expanse on Soliara III. 18000s: Spotting One of the South Continents - and Reaching Ajna
00s: All the planets and moons of Nielez have been reached. 100s: Interstellar Medium Space-weather monitoring beacons 200s: comet harvesting 300s: Kuiper Belts stations 400s: We reached the Ajna star-system. Space travel between star-systems now only takes ~half a generation; ~50 years; proto-acceleration gates are being developed and fielded (not yet jump-gates). 500s: Oort Clouds outposts - and cities are started on the most-habitable/temperate of the Ajna planets 600s: radio transmissions detected from other New Eden star-systems 700s: terraforming evidence found in neighboring star-systems 800s: ruins found in some neighboring star-systems (apparently not of colonies, but the precursors to them) 900s: global LIDAR canopy-penetration mapping campaign launched for Ajna IV - and there are ~235 cities and ~1,400 towns on Soliara III by now 19000s: Almost All of the West Continent - and Reaching Tukanas
00s: wrecks of ancient drones and Spacecraft found still-preserved in some of the ice-domed/terrain areas of Nielez VIII 100s: All the planets and moons of Afraghen have been reached. 200s: A much greater understanding of plate tectonics and volcanism is achieved, thanks to now having permanent presences on and in orbit around many other planets and moons with that activity, and this allows us to forecast not only atmospheric and Space weather, but the ‘weather’/conditions underground. 300s: Highways begin to connect the only towns becoming cities across the regions of our West continent. 400s: Major cities are now in several places across our West continent. 500s: We reached the Tukanas star-system. Space travel between star-systems now only takes ~1/4 of a generation; ~25 years (meaning we have acceleration-gate technology). 600s: - and cities are started on the most-habitable/temperate of the Tukanas planets 700s: increase in spread of agricultural and clay-harvesting operations across Tukanas V 800s: ceramic armor R+D makes leaps and bounds due to the abundance of that material on Tukanas V 900s: By this century, sailors from the East continent had reached the coastal islands of the western side of the Far continent, but did not yet realize they had reached a whole other major landmass. ~245 cities and ~1,450 towns on Soliara III by now 20000s: Spotting the Far Continent - and Reaching Fageras
00s: Much more of the western coast, and two big parts of the eastern side, of the Far continent were reached. 100s: All the planets and moons of Ajna have been reached. 200s: Expeditions are sent back to the Far continent. 300s: The first permanent town is established on the Far continent. 400s: That first permanent town expanded with its first suburbs. 500s: Multiple permanent towns are added in other regions of the Far continent, and the first town of this landmass becomes a proper city with a starport of its own. 600s: ‘Expeditions for fun’ become popular on Soliara III, first to help finish exploring its Far continent, and then out across the southern continent, as well. 700s: We reached the Fageras star-system. Space travel between star-systems now only takes ~15 years; we have developed crude/proto jump-gates. 800s: Heavy terraforming of some Fageras planets begins - and cities are started on the most-habitable/temperate of the Fageras planets 900s: , ~255 cities and ~1,500 towns on Soliara III by now 21000s: Footholds on the Far Continent - and Reaching Sheri
00s: After centuries of rarely ever going to our farthest landmass, normal towns and services are established over there. 100s: Far Continent towns continue to grow, ‘sprouting’ their own suburbs, promising to become cities one day. 200s: All the planets and moons of Tukanas have been reached. (Amarr build the first jump-gate since the collapse; they use jump-gates long before figuring out how to make even warp-drives. *Even though we Soliarans had a ~4,000-year headstart on them in terms of general Space travel, we didn’t have their luck; they started by finding a nearly-operational ancient jump-gate, whereas we found only the ruins of some, having to figure out Space travel the hard way. They also spent centuries enslaving millions upon millions, wiping out all competition, and making sure they were dominant and moving at breakneck speeds, while we didn’t do any of that.) 300s: Fageras progress continues to be slow and full of challenges, but millions more are deployed that way, some even starting to migrate there; family members joining their deployed/stationed relatives. 400s: It only took a few decades for radio signals containing information/reports about enslavement decisions to reach us and be worked into our strategy for whenever we ourselves experienced such attempts. (Amarr first-contact with the Ealurians in 21423; they are the first to be enslaved. Minmatar first Spaceship.) 500s: Plans for different imminent-enslavement scenarios were drafted on all our worlds. (Minmatar use repaired ancient star/jump-gates to settle three adjacent systems.) 600s: Methods for neutralizing and even assimilating/harvesting incoming weapon beams and projectiles see progress; we begin to find ways of capturing incoming missiles --and even the intense light/energy of lasers. 700s: We reached the Sheri star-system. Space travel between star-systems now only takes ~5 years; we have developed primitive local jump-gates for small to mid-sized ships to more-quickly (though still pretty slowly) traverse the distance between adjacent star-systems. - and cities are started on the most-habitable/temperate of the Sheri planets 800s: Another of the South continents was reached. 900s: The lowest of the South continents was reached. ~265 cities and ~1,550 towns on Soliara III by now 22000s: Footholds on the Southermost Continent - and Reaching Afrah
00s: All the planets and moons of Fageras have been reached. 100s: Major science bases are established on our southernmost continents; they are the size of small towns. 200s: Some of the biggest science bases of our southernmost continents become proper towns and even big cities. 300s: All but the central northernmost part of the Far continent was reached. (Amarr begin enslaving Minmatar --and have reached Aridia, starting to enslave the locals, i.e. the Ni-Kunni of Mishi IV, 8 jump-gates into Aridia from the Vehan entry-point.) 400s: Our ongoing monitoring of radio and other transmissions from other star-systems reveals to us that interstellar warfare is spreading in other directions, as well as getting closer to our constellation. (Amarr conquer and enslave the whole Minmatar empire.) 500s: Extensive secret preparations for a possible invasion are made --more to hide people and other things than to fight back. 600s: The ancient mining-drone tunnel networks and cave systems are heavily reinforced and upgraded to serve as indefinite underground holdouts for millions of our populations on each inhabited world in our constellation. 700s: Further upgrades to our tunnels and caves are made so as to provide for the billions who may have to relocate/hide down there in the years ahead. 800s: (Amarr develop warp-drives in 22821.) We reached Afrah --without a jump-gate; it took a very long time. Out there it was learned that the Amarr had already been there --and did have jump-gate technology, which our scouts learned as much as they could about, then began making their way back to us with more information and samples of the technology. 900s: terraforming technology is restored to a level which can render an atmosphere breathable in centuries, ~275 cities and ~1,600 towns on Soliara III by now 23000s: Almost Everything in Our North and South Reached - and the Amarr Arrive
00s: Amarr have scouted our constellation, restoring some ancient jump-gates and building new ones. When we meet the Amarr in person for the first time, our representatives have had lifetimes to prepare, and we expertly negotiate our entry into their empire, many of our people already familiar (from studying radio transmissions over the millennia) with their belief system and Holders system. This results in an uninteresting and seamless process which barely makes it into the Book of Missions or Book of Records of their scriptures --just the way we had hoped, keeping us largely un-enslaved and off their proverbial radar. 100s: All the planets and moons of Sheri have been reached (and first contact between Amarr and Gallente, then also between the Amarr and the Caldari plus Jove). Deep-sea/ocean R+D facilities are started on the two colonized terrestrial/ocean Sheri worlds. 200s: Amarr jump-gate and jump-drive technology is now understood by us, and we start making our own. 300s: [THE PRESENT CENTURY] Amarr discover jump-drives (not just warp-drives), further advancing them. A.I. drones are developed in 23,329, soon becoming a concern of CONCORD (which would then form DERAIL to deal with dangerous Rogue Drones and other A.I.). ~285 cities and ~1,650 towns on Soliara III by now --and Auz moves to Soliara III to start his first ranch and business there (in a picturesque remote wilderness in the northwest of Soliara III’s Far continent), his daughter Zed coming into existence ~a couple decades thereafter, growing up on that ranch. 400s: [ANTICIPATED/PROJECTED DEVELOPMENTS FROM HERE] better jump-gates; no longer limited to just a paired connection, able to ‘dial in’ to all compatible gates --even in w.h. Space 500s: better jump-drives; for all ships, able to cross all of New Eden in a single non-gate movement/warp 600s: Starfleet-level ships (that term NOT intended to suggest a non-cannon crossover here; just an easy-to-understand tech’-level reference); jump-drives capable of sustained (minutes to hours) sub-FTL warp, not just for a jump lasting seconds --capable of crossing much wider volumes of a galaxy 700s: StarCraft-level ships (again, NOT intended to suggest a crossover); jump-drives capable of sustained relative-FTL warp for years --capable of crossing a galaxy 800s: Dune-level ships; capable of rapidly crossing galactic distances, and even exiting a galaxy into intergalactic Deep Space (IOW: the level of technology the settlers who used the EVE Gate had) 900s: ships able to move from one galaxy to another within mere years of sustained travel/warp There are still billions of people on and from our world who have yet to meet an Amarr or anyone else not of our own constellation/civilization. Some may always wonder if the stories of contact with people from elsewhere in New Eden are just fairy tales or conspiracy theories. The vast majority of people, as you know, never make it to Space --and have no plans to-- so how would they ever know?
Soliara’s Beginning:
5000×2583 2.94 MB Exploring Around Soliara III:
3475×2137 2.64 MB Our Current Civilization: